
Commuter.encode_composite_category(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, categories: Dict[str, str], key: str, category_table: str, key_name: Optional[str] = None, na_value: Optional[str] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Encode categories represented by multiple columns.

Implements writing of all the unique combinations given by multiple columns in DataFrame to the table given by category_table.

Dictionary categories provides a mapping between DataFrame and category_table column names.

  • data – Pandas.DataFrame with categorical columns.

  • categories – Dictionary provided the mapping between column names. Dict keys provide names of columns in data represented category, values represent column names in category_table.

  • key – Name of the DataFrame column with encoded values.

  • category_table – Name of the table with stored categories.

  • key_name – Name of the column in category_table contained the encoded values. Defaults to key.

  • na_value – Missing data representation.


Pandas.DataFrame with encoded category.