
Basic Usage

Here is an interactive session showing the basic commands usage.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from pgcom import Commuter

# create commuter
>>> commuter = Commuter(dbname="test", user="postgres", password="secret", host="localhost")

# execute a command: this creates a new table
>>> commuter.execute("CREATE TABLE test (id serial PRIMARY KEY, num integer, data varchar);")

# write from DataFrame to a table
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([[100, "abc"], [200, "abc'def"]], columns=["num", "data"])
>>> commuter.insert(table_name="test", data=df)

# read from table to a DataFrame
>>> commuter.select("SELECT * FROM test")
   id  num     data
0   1  100      abc
1   2  200  abc'def

# pass data to fill a query placeholders
>>> commuter.select("SELECT * FROM test WHERE data = (%s)", ("abc'def",))
   id  num     data
0   2  200  abc'def

Writing to a table with copy from

PostgreSQL COPY FROM command copies data from a file-system file to a table (appending the data to whatever is in the table already).

Commuter’s copy_from method provides an adaptation between Pandas DataFrame and COPY FROM, the DataFrame format however must be compatible with database table (data types, columns order, etc).

>>> commuter.copy_from(table_name="test", data=df)

A slight adaptation of DataFrame to the table structure can be attained by setting format_data parameter to True. This enables to use DataFrames with the incomplete set of columns given in any order.

>>> df = pd.DataFrame([["abc", 100], ["abc'def", 200]], columns=["data", "num_2"])

# DataFrame has column "num_2" not presented in table
>>> commuter.copy_from("test", df)
pgcom.exc.CopyError: column "num_2" of relation "test" does not exist

>>> commuter.copy_from("test", df, format_data=True)
>>> commuter.select("SELECT * FROM test")
   id   num     data
0   1  None      abc
1   2  None  abc'def

Upsert with copy from

If DataFrame contains rows conflicting with table constraints and you need to implement UPSERT, you can specify where parameter of copy_from method. Then it removes rows from the table before applying COPY FROM.

On the other hand, if you want to sanitize DataFrame and remove conflicts from it rather than from the table, you can use resolve_primary_conflicts and resolve_foreign_conflicts.

>>> commuter.execute("CREATE TABLE test (id integer PRIMARY KEY, num integer, data varchar);")
>>> df_1 = pd.DataFrame([[1, 100, "a"], [2, 200, "b"]], columns=["id", "num", "data"])
>>> commuter.copy_from("test", df_1)

# df_2 has primary key conflict
>>> df_2 = pd.DataFrame([[2, 201, "bb"], [3, 300, "c"]], columns=["id", "num", "data"])
>>> commuter.copy_from("test", df_2)
pgcom.exc.CopyError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "test_pkey"

# remove all rows from test table where id >= 2
>>> commuter.copy_from("test", df_2, where="id >= 2")
>>> commuter.select("SELECT * FROM test")
   id  num data
0   1  100    a
1   2  201   bb
2   3  300    c

>>> df_3 = pd.DataFrame([[3, 301, "cc"], [4, 400, "d"]], columns=["id", "num", "data"])

# remove conflicts from the DataFrame
>>> commuter.resolve_primary_conflicts("test", df_3)
   id  num data
0   4  400    d


Be careful when resolving conflicts on DataFrame. Since both methods query data from the table, the whole table will be queried if you don’t specify where parameter.

Encode categorical columns

If DataFrame contains a column with string categories which you want to place in a separate table with a serial primary key. And you want to replace categories with the corresponding key value, to minimize the original table size, you can use encode_category method.

It implements writing of all the unique values in categorical column given by category_name to the table given by parameter category_table.

In the example below, we have a DataFrame with a categorical column city. We store it in a separate table called cities. And replace column with the corresponding city_id.

>>> df
     city  year
0  Berlin  2010
1  Berlin  2011
2  London  2015
3   Paris  2012
4  Berlin  2018

>>> commuter.execute("CREATE TABLE cities (city_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, city TEXT)")
>>> df = commuter.encode_category(
...     data=df, category="city", key="city_id", category_table="cities")
>>> df
     city  year  city_id
0  Berlin  2010        1
1  Berlin  2011        1
2  London  2015        2
3   Paris  2012        3
4  Berlin  2018        1

>>> commuter.select("SELECT * FROM cities")
   city_id    city
0        1  Berlin
1        2  London
2        3   Paris

When categories are presented by multiple columns, its suggested to use encode_composite_category method. It implements writing of all the unique combinations given by multiple columns in DataFrame to the table given by category_table.

>>> df
     city  year country
0  Berlin  2010 Germany
1  Berlin  2011 None
2  London  2015 UK
3   Paris  2012 France
4  Berlin  2018 UK

>>> cmd = "CREATE TABLE cities (city_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, city TEXT, country TEXT)"
>>> commuter.execute(cmd)

>>> cats = {"city: city", "country": "country"}
>>> df = commuter.encode_composite_category(
...     data=df, categories=cats, key="city_id",
...     category_table="cities", na_value="NONE")
>>> df
     city  year  country  city_id
0  Berlin  2010  Germany        1
1  Berlin  2018  Germany        1
2  Berlin  2011     NONE        2
3  London  2015       UK        3
4   Paris  2012   France        4

>>> commuter.select("SELECT * FROM cities")
   city_id    city  country
0        1  Berlin  Germany
1        2  Berlin     NONE
2        3  London       UK
3        4   Paris   France

Connection options

A connection pooling technique is used to maintain a “pool” of active database connections in memory which are reused across the requests.

Testing the connection for liveness is available by using pre_ping argument. This feature will normally emit “SELECT 1” statement on each request to the database. If an error is raised, the pool will be immediately restarted.

>>> commuter = Commuter(pre_ping=True, **conn_args)

The exponential backoff strategy is used for reconnection. By default, it implements 3 reconnection attempts. This can be changed by setting max_reconnects argument.

>>> commuter = Commuter(pre_ping=True, max_reconnects=5, **conn_args)


When creating a new instance of Commuter, the connection pool is created by calling make_pool and the connection is established. The typical usage of Commuter is therefore once per particular database, held globally for the lifetime of a single application process.


So far a simple connection pool is used and it can’t be shared across different threads.


Here is the use cases of other Commuter methods.

Select data from the table and return a scalar value.

>>> commuter.select_one("SELECT MAX(num) FROM test")

Insert one row to the table passing values using key-value arguments.

>>> commuter.insert_row("test", id=5, num=500, data="abc'def")

When using a serial column to provide unique identifiers, it can be very handy to insert one row and return the serial ID assigned to it.

>>> row_id = commuter.insert_row("test", return_id="id", num=500, data="abc'def")

Insert rows using custom placeholders, e.g. to insert PostGIS data.

>>> commuter.insert("test", data,
...     columns=["name", "geom"],
...     placeholders=["%s", "ST_GeomFromText(%s, 4326)"])

Check if the table exists.

>>> commuter.is_table_exist("test")

Check if the specific entry exists in the table. It implements a simple query building a WHERE clause from kwargs.

# SELECT 1 FROM TABLE test WHERE id=5 AND num=500
>>> commuter.is_entry_exist("test", id=5, num=500)

Delete entry from the table, specifying a WHERE clause using kwargs.

# DELETE FROM TABLE test WHERE id=5 AND num=500
>>> commuter.delete_entry("test", id=5, num=500)

Return the number of active connections to the database.

>>> commuter.get_connections_count()


PostgreSQL provides tools for setting asynchronous interaction with database session using LISTEN and NOTIFY commands.

A client application registers as a listener on the notification channel with the LISTEN command (and can stop listening with the UNLISTEN command). When the command NOTIFY is executed, the application listening on the channel is notified. A payload can be passed to provide some extra data to the listener. This is commonly used when sending notifications that table rows have been modified.

Notifications are received after trigger is fired, the poll method can be used to check for the new notifications without wasting resources.

Methods create_notify_function and create_trigger present basic query constructors, which can be used to define a new trigger and a new function associated with this trigger. Some custom definitions can be done using execute method.

Here is the example of simple application receiving notification when rows are inserted to the table. See API reference for more details

from pgcom import Listener

>>> listener = Listener(dbname="test", user="postgres", password="secret", host="localhost")

# create a function called by trigger, it generates a notification
# which is sending to test_channel
>>> listener.create_notify_function(func_name='notify_trigger', channel='test_channel')

# create a trigger executed AFTER INSERT STATEMENT
>>> listener.create_trigger(table_name='test', func_name='notify_trigger')

# register function callback activated on the notification
>>> def on_notify(payload):
...     print("received notification")

# listening loop, callback is activated on every INSERT to "test" table
>>> listener.poll(channel='test_channel', on_notify=on_notify)
received notification
received notification


Note that the payload is only available from PostgreSQL 9.0: notifications received from a previous version server will have the payload attribute set to the empty string.

df = commuter.encode_composite_category(data=df, categories={“city: city”, “country”: “country”}, key=”city_id”, category_table=”cities”)